
卓珈指卓珈控股集團有限公司(「本公司」)及旗下品牌(包括VITAE、CosMax及XOVĒ)、附屬公司、聯營公司、控股公司以及關聯公司及實體(以下統稱為「我們」或「本集團」)。本私隱政策(「私隱政策」)適用於我們可能從以下各方獲得的所有個人資料(不論現時或將來): (i) 現有客戶;及 (ii) 向我們提供個人資料並表示對我們的醫學美容服務及護膚產品(以下統稱為「服務及產品」,分別稱為「產品」及「服務」)感興趣的潛在客戶。

請仔細閱讀本私隱政策,以了解我們關於如何致力地保障 閣下的私隱及確保 閣下的個人資料(定義見下文)受到保護。 當我們收集 閣下的個人資料時, 閣下必須選擇點擊我們提供的複選框,以表明 閣下同意並了解本私隱政策。

本私隱政策可能會不時被修訂或進行我們認為必要的其他更改,但我們將努力在可行的情況下提前通知 閣下任何此類修訂或更改。

  1. 閣下的私隱
    我們尊重所有人的個人資料私隱,並承諾遵守香港法例第486章《個人資料(私隱)條例》(「私隱條例」)的規定,以確保 閣下的個人資料私隱依法得到保障。為此,我們要求所有員工以與私隱條例適用於本集團的方式遵守私隱條例,並遵守最嚴格的安全及保密標準。

  2. 我們可能收集的個人資料類別
    「個人資料」是指與一名在世人士有關及可確定個人身份的資料,亦必須以可供查閲及處理的方式記錄下來。 我們可能會在以下項目/類別中收集 閣下的資訊:
    1. 關於 閣下的資料;
      • 閣下的姓名、性別、年齡、出生日期、香港身份證號碼/其他身份證明文件號碼、電話號碼、傳真號碼、居住地址、通訊地址、電郵地址、微信賬號、社交媒體賬號、簽名、生物辨識數據及生物醫學樣本;
    2. 有關 閣下預約或使用我們的服務及/或產品資訊;
      • 閣下的信用卡資料、生物醫學樣本、醫療紀錄、醫療報告、醫療影像及醫療圖片;
    3. 有關 閣下的關聯組織、朋友或家庭成員;
      • 組織的名稱、 閣下於該組織的職位、 閣下於該組織的職員/會員號碼、 閣下朋友或家庭成員的姓名、 閣下與該等朋友或家庭成員的關係、他們的香港身分證號碼/其他身分證明文件號碼、住宅地址、通訊地址、電郵地址及簽名;
    4. 訪問我們的網上平台時收集的資訊,包括網站、手機應用程式、社交媒體平台及/或我們通過線上與 閣下的溝通(請參閱8. Cookies 使用部份);
      • IP 地址、瀏覽器設置、瀏覽紀錄及/或其他互聯網日誌資訊;
    5. 閣下可能希望向我們提供的其他資訊;
      • 閣下的職業、教育程度、入息水平、興趣、活動喜好、社交媒體聯繫方式以及 閣下可能隨時披露的任何其他資訊。
  3. 收集個人資料的目的及用途
    1. 確定及驗證 閣下註冊成為我們的會員以及使用我們的服務及產品、會員優惠、重續及/或終止會籍的資格;
    2. 讓我們能夠存儲 閣下的個人資料並識別重複的會員賬戶(如有),以及存儲 閣下使用我們集團之服務及產品的記錄;
    3. 從 閣下代家人/朋友註冊的賬戶以及 閣下自己的賬戶中識別 閣下;
    4. 讓我們可為 閣下提供服務及產品、包括客戶服務,例如預約及預訂、處理投訴及客戶查詢、訂單處理、處理保險索賠,以及處理付款指示或向 閣下收取我們提供的服務及產品、處理退款、藥物測試及診斷、實驗服務的未付款項;
    5. 根據 閣下的興趣及偏好創建客制化的通訊,以便在使用我們的服務及產品時為 閣下提供最佳的客戶體驗。我們還可能利用資料分析工具來確定我們的優惠、廣告及推廣活動的有效性以及 閣下對新產品或服務的興趣,以便為 閣下定制產品或服務;
    6. 通過各種方式優化我們的服務及產品、網站、手機應用程式及其他網上平台,包括但不限於使用資料分析工具、研究、調查及回應表格,以便我們可以審查及改進我們的業務、行銷及策略運作及計劃;
    7. 確定及驗證 閣下是否有資格獲得我們的服務及產品的折扣及促銷;
    8. 直接促銷我們的產品及服務,及本集團業務夥伴的產品及服務(詳情見「5. 直接促銷」一節);
    9. 讓 閣下選擇參與我們為 閣下提供的服務的互動功能,包括識別 閣下的朋友,並在 閣下願意的情況下與他們溝通及分享 閣下的購物體驗;
    10. 防範及阻止欺詐;
    11. 審計目的;
    12. 按適用法律、規則及規例的規定作出披露;及
    13. 任何與收集個人身份識別資訊的原來目的有關之其他用途。
  4. 個人資料披露
    所有個人資料都將保密,但我們可能會向第三方披露此類信息,以實現上文第 3 條所述的一項或多項目的。 我們向 閣下收集的個人資料可能轉交予以下名單的第三方(可能位於香港境內或境外):
    1. 第三方服務提供商,包括代理及承包商;
    2. 卓珈及旗下任何品牌、附屬公司、聯營公司、控股公司以及關聯公司及實體;
    3. 我們業務的全部或任何部分的購買者;
    4. 我們的專業顧問、保險公司、損失理算師及康復服務提供商;
    5. 政府、執法機關、法院及審裁署;
    6. 閣下授權向我們獲取 閣下的個人資料的任何第三方。
  5. 直接促銷
    我們可能不時使用 閣下向我們提供的個人資料向 閣下發送消息、優惠、宣傳及聯合市場推廣,就此而言,我們必須要取得 閣下的事先書面同意。

    我們可能使用 閣下的個人資料進行的直接促銷活動類型包括向 閣下提供與本集團有關的新聞、活動、更新、競賽、折扣、促銷、優惠資料及詳細資訊,例如我們及我們的業務夥伴提供的服務及產品及/或獎勵,可能涉及美容、健康及保健、個人護理、護膚、醫學美容服務、寵物護理、嬰兒護理、產婦護理、生活、旅遊、技術、幸運抽獎及競賽、媒體、電子商務服務及獎勵計劃。

    我們將通過各種通訊渠道,如直接郵寄、電子郵件、電話、短訊、應用程式通知、社交媒體及文字/圖片/視頻資訊,使用我們持有的 閣下的個人資料來實現此一目標。 未經 閣下事先書面同意的情況下,我們將不會把 閣下的個人資料用於直接促銷。

    我們將分析 閣下的偏好、線上行為及交易歷史以獲得深入瞭解,從而使我們能夠制定我們透過通訊、線上平台、社交媒體及其他通訊方式向 閣下展示的新聞、活動、更新、競賽、促銷、優惠、產品、服務及獎勵的內容及類型。

    如 閣下不希望我們將 閣下的個人資料用於直接促銷, 閣下可以在提供 閣下的個人資料時勾選相關的方框表示反對。

    如 閣下希望在未來任何時候取消接收我們的直接促銷資料,請將 閣下的英文或中文全名及會員號碼發送至卓珈控股集團有限公司客戶服務經理,地址為香港中環干諾道中88號南豐大廈18樓,或電郵至info@vitae.com.hk,表明 閣下希望取消接收我們使用 閣下的個人資料提供的直接促銷資料。 在收到該請求後,我們將在實際可行的情況下盡快停止使用 閣下的個人資料進行直接促銷,而不收取額外費用。

  6. 保留個人資料
    我們對 閣下的個人資料的保存時間將不會超過實現資料被使用或將被使用之目的(包括任何直接相關目的)所需的時間。 這意味著,舉例而言,為實現 閣下所要求的產品及服務而收集的個人資料,將在有關產品及服務交付後,透過採用技術或其他方法予以清除、刪除、銷毀或匿名處理,以令有關資料不可識別或不可用,除非出於其他目的有必要保留有關資料且我們在收集個人身份識別資料之時已經知會 閣下有關其他目的或已取得 閣下同意。

  7. 查閱及更正個人資料
    閣下可以在任何時候要求查閱及更正 閣下的個人資料。

    閣下如欲要求查閱閣下的個人資料,可致函我們的客戶服務經理。根據私隱條例第19(1)條,我們有責任在收到有關要求後40天內回應要求。根據私隱條例第20(3a)條條文,如要求不是以中文或英文書寫,我們保留權利拒絕滿足 閣下的查閱要求。根據該條例第28條,我們可就處理及遵從 閣下的查閱個人資料要求收取合理費用。

    閣下如欲對 閣下的個人資料進行任何修改,可致函我們的客戶服務經理,並提供正確的個人資料供我們更新。根據私隱條例第23條條文,我們將在收到 閣下要求後40天內更正 閣下的個人資料。更正個人資料將不收取費用。



    客戶服務熱線:3929 1838


  8. 使用「曲奇」檔案 (COOKIES)
    「曲奇」檔案是當 閣下進入我們網站及應用程式時儲存於 閣下的瀏覽器或裝置、應用程式、網上媒體或廣告的小型文字檔。 我們在本網站使用「曲奇」檔案,以便:
    • 在 閣下瀏覽本網站及流動應用程式時辨認 閣下的身分;
    • 取得有關 閣下喜好的資料、查閱及瀏覽行為、網上活動及互聯網的使用情況;
    • 持續追蹤 閣下戶口內儲存的項目,協助 閣下通過結賬的手續;
    • 進行研究及統計分析,協助我們改善服務,更瞭解訪客及訪客的要求及興趣;
    • 提供切合 閣下個人興趣的廣告,更有效地進行我們的促銷及廣告計劃;
    • 使 閣下的網上活動更有效率,體驗更佳;
    • 使安全措施更嚴密。
  9. 安全措施
    閣下的個人資料安全及保密對我們來說是極其重要的。 我們會盡一切努力保護 閣下的個人資料。 我們已實施技術、行政及一切合理且實質的安全措施來保護 閣下的資料,防止他人未經授權存取該等資料及對該等資料作不當使用、披露及/或應用。這些措施包括﹔
    1. 對相關職員進行教育及培訓,確保他們在處理個人資料時瞭解我們保障個人私隱的義務;
    2. 通過行政及技術控制,在 "有需要知道 "的基礎上限制對個人資料的使用;
    3. 技術安全措施,包括防火牆、加密及防毒軟體;以及
    4. 物理安全措施,例如職員進入我們的工作場所需要通行許可。
  10. 本私隱政策的任何修訂
    我們可能會隨時修訂本私隱政策,以反映新技術、監管要求或任何可能需要的更改。 我們可能會通過向 閣下提供給我們的最新電子郵件地址向 閣下發送電子郵件,及/或通過在我們的網站上清晰刊登變更通知。

  11. 查詢
    閣下如對本私隱政策有任何疑問、或希望就我們使用 閣下的個人資料向我們作出投訴,或要求我們停止使用 閣下的個人資料,或查詢我們是否持有 閣下的個人資料,請聯絡我們的客戶服務經理如下:


    客戶服務熱線:3929 1838



  12. 監管法例

  13. 語言



Miricor refers to Miricor Enterprises Holdings Limited (the “Company”) and its brands (including VITAE, CosMax & XOVĒ), subsidiaries, associated companies, holding companies, and affiliated companies and entities (hereafter collectively referred to as “we”, “us” “our”, or the “Group”). This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) applies to all personal data that we may obtain from the following parties: (i) current customers; and (ii) potential customers who provide personal data to us while indicating their interest in our medical aesthetic services and skin-care products (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Services and Products” and individually as “Services” and “Products”).

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand the policy and practices of our Group regarding how we are committed to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring that your Personal Data (as hereinafter defined) is protected. You must check the boxes when provided when we are collecting your Personal Data to indicate your consent to and knowledge of this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy may from time to time be revised, or otherwise changed as we deem necessary but we will endeavour to give you advance notice of any such revision or change where practicable.

  1. Your Privacy
    We respect the personal data privacy of all individuals and pledge to be in compliance with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (“PDPO”) so that the privacy of your personal data is protected in accordance with the standard required by law. In doing so, we require all our staff to comply with the PDPO in the same manner as the PDPO applies to us as a whole and adhere to the strictest standards of security and confidentiality.

  2. Type of Personal Data that may be collected by us
    “Personal Data” is information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual. We may collect your information in the following categories:
    1. Information about you:
      • Your name, gender, age, date of birth, HKID card/other identification document number, phone number, fax number, residential address, corresponding address, email address, Wechat account, social media accounts, signature, biometrics data, and biomedical specimens;
    2. Information to process your order or use of our Services and/or Products:
      • Your credit card information, bio-medical data, medical records, medical reports, medical images, and medical photos;
    3. Information relating to your associated organisation, friend(s), or family member(s):
      • The name of the organisation, title in the organisation, your staff/membership number of such organisation, the name of your friend(s) or family member(s), your relationship with the friend(s) or family member(s), their HKID card/other identification document number(s), phone number, fax number, residential address, corresponding address, email address, and signature;
    4. Information collected when visiting our online platforms including websites, mobile applications, social media platforms and/or any online communication between you and us (see section 8. Use of Cookies below)
      • IP address, browser settings, browsing records, and/or other Internet log information;
    5. Additional information you may wish to provide us with:
      • Your occupation, education level, income level, hobbies, favourite activities, social media contacts, and any other information you may disclose at any time.
  3. Purposes for which your Personal Data will be used
    The purposes for which your Personal Data may be used are as follows:
    1. to determine and verify your eligibility for registering for our membership and using our Services and Products, eligibility for our membership offers, renewal and/or termination of membership;
    2. to enable us to store your Personal Data and identify possible multiple applications and obtain records of your use of our Services and Products across the Group from time to time;
    3. to identify you and any accounts you hold with us on behalf of your family members and/or friends;
    4. to enable the provision of our Services and Products to you, including customer services such as making appointments and reservation, handling complaints and customer enquiries, order processing, processing of insurance claims, and processing of payment instructions or collection of amounts outstanding from you in relation to the provision of our Services and Products, processing of refunds, medical testing and diagnosis, laboratory services including testing services etc.;
    5. to create customised communications according to your interests and preferences so as to give you the best client experience while using our Services and Products. We may also make use of data analytics tools to determine the effectiveness of our offers, advertisements and promotions and your interest in new products or services so as to customise the Products or Services to be presented to you;
    6. to optimise our Services and Products, websites, mobile applications and other online platforms through various means including but not limited to the use of data analytics tools, research, surveys and feedback forms so that we may review and improve our business, marketing and strategic operations and plans;
    7. to determine and verify your eligibility for discounts and promotions on our Services and Products;
    8. as direct marketing of our Services and Products or services and products of our business partners subject to the section headed “5. Direct Marketing” below;
    9. to enable you to participate in the interactive features of our Services, including identifying your friends or individuals, and sharing or communicating with them your shopping experience at your own will;
    10. as fraud prevention and detection;
    11. for auditing purposes;
    12. to make such disclosures as required by applicable laws, rules, and regulations; and
    13. for all other purposes ancillary to the above purposes.
  4. Disclosure
    All Personal Data will be kept confidential, but we may disclose such information to third parties where such disclosure is necessary to fulfill one or more of the purposes as described in section 3 hereinabove. A list of classes of persons (who may be located within or outside Hong Kong) to whom your Personal Data may be transferred can be found in the list below:
    1. Third service providers, including agents and contractors;
    2. Miricor and any of its brands, subsidiaries, associated companies, holding companies, and affiliated companies and entities;
    3. Purchaser of a whole or any part of our businesses;
    4. Our professional advisors, insurers, loss adjudicators, and assignees;
    5. Governments, law enforcement authorities, courts, and tribunals; and
    6. Any third party whom you have authorised to obtain your Personal Data from the Group.
  5. Direct Marketing
    From time to time, we may use your Personal Data to send you news, offers, promotions, and joint marketing offers but we must obtain your prior written consent for the purposes mentioned hereinabove.

    The types of direct marketing activities that we may conduct using your Personal Data include providing you with information and details in connection with the latest news, events, updates, contests, discounts, promotions, offers, Products, Services and/or rewards offered by us and our business partners, which may relate to beauty, healthcare and wellness, personal care, skin care, medical aesthetic services, pet care, baby care, maternity care, lifestyle, travel, technology, lucky draws and contests, media, e-commerce services and reward programmes.

    We will do this through various communication channels such as direct mail, email, telephone, SMS, mobile applications notifications, social media, and text/ picture/ video messages by using your Personal Data held by us. We will not use your Personal Data in direct marketing without your prior written consent.

    We will analyse your preferences, online behaviour and transactional history in order to gain insights, so that we can customise the content and types of news, events, updates, contests, promotions, offers, products, services and rewards that we present to you via our communications, online platforms, social media and other communication means.

    If you do not wish us to use your Personal Data in direct marketing, you may indicate your objection by checking the box when providing your Personal Data.

    If you wish to opt-out of direct marketing from us anytime in the future, please mail your English or Chinese full name and membership number to Miricor Enterprises Holdings Limited attention to Customer Service Manager, at 18/F, Nan Fung Tower, 88 Connaught Road Central, Central, Hong Kong or by email at info@vitae.com.hk indicating that you wish to opt-out from us using your Personal Data in direct marketing. Upon receipt of the request, we shall cease to use your Personal Data for the purpose of direct marketing as soon as practicable without extra charges.

  6. Retention of Personal Data
    We will keep your Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which your Personal Data was collected or for a directly related purpose. This means that, for example, Personal Data collected to fulfill your request for Services and Products will be erased, deleted, destroyed or anonymised after their delivery by using technical or other means to render such information unidentifiable or unusable, unless it is necessary to keep such information for other purposes and we have informed you of such other purposes at the time of collection of your Personal Data or obtained your consent.

  7. Access to and Correction of your Personal Data
    You may, at any time, request access to and correction of your Personal Data.

    To request access to your Personal Data, you may write to our Customer Service Manager. Pursuant to section 19 (1) of the PDPO, we are obliged with such request within 40 days after receiving such request. In accordance with the provisions of section 20 (3a) of the PDPO, if the request is not written in Chinese or English, we reserve the right to refuse to comply with your access request. Under section 28 of the Ordinance, we may charge a reasonable fee for processing and complying with your Personal Data access request.

    If you wish to make any changes to your Personal Data, you may write to our Customer Service Manager and provide the correct Personal Data for us to update. In accordance with the provisions of section 23 of the PDPO, we will correct your Personal Data within 40 days upon receipt of your request. Correction of your Personal Data will not be charged.

    Request for access to or correction of your Personal Data shall be sent to the following person:

    Miricor Enterprises Holdings Limited
    Customer Service Manager
    18/F, Nan Fung Tower
    88 Connaught Road Central
    Central, Hong Kong

    Customer Service Hotline: 3929 1838

    Email: info@vitae.com.hk

  8. Use of Cookies
    Cookies are small text files that are stored on your browser or device by websites, applications, online media and advertisements when you visit or access our websites and/or applications. We use cookies on such platforms to:
    • recognise you whenever you visit our websites and/or mobile applications;
    • obtain information about your preferences, viewing and browsing behaviour, online movements, and use of the Internet;
    • keep track of the items stored in your account and take you through the checkout process;
    • carry out research and statistical analysis to help improve our Services and Products and to help us better understand our visitor and customer requirements and interests;
    • target our marketing and advertising campaigns more effectively by providing interest-based advertisements that are personalised to your interests;
    • make your online experience more efficient and enjoyable; and
    • enable tighter security.
  9. Security
    The security and confidentially of your Personal Data are extremely important to us. We will take all appropriate steps to protect your Personal Data. We have implemented technical, physical, administrative, and all reasonable and practicable measures to protect your Personal Data from any unauthorised access, disclosure, use and modification. These measures include:
    1. Education and training to relevant staff to ensure they are aware of our privacy obligations when handling Personal Data;
    2. Administrative and technical controls to restrict access to Personal Data on a “need-to-know” basis;
    3. Technological security measures, including fire walls, encryption and anti-virus software; and
    4. Physical security measures, such as staff security passes to access our premises.
  10. Amendment(s) to this Privacy Policy
    We may from time to time amend this Privacy Policy to reflect new technologies, regulatory requirements, or any changes that may be necessary. We may notify you of such changes by sending you an email at the latest email address that you provided to us, and/or by prominently posting notice of such changes on our website.

  11. Enquiries
    For enquiries concerning our Privacy Policy, or if you wish to complain to us or request us to cease our use of your Personal Data, or if you wish to enquire whether we are holding your Personal Data, please kindly contact our Customer Service Manager as follows:

    Miricor Enterprises Holdings Limited
    Customer Service Manager
    18/F, Nan Fung Tower
    88 Connaught Road Central

    Customer Service Hotline: 3929 1838

    Email: info@vitae.com.hk

    (This statement may be modified from time to time without prior notice, please kindly check frequently.)

  12. Governing Law
    The terms of this Privacy Policy are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.

  13. Language
    In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of this Privacy Policy, the English version shall prevail.

Medical aesthetic services involve risks. We reserve the final decision to provide you with individual treatments depending on your physical condition and risk acceptance. If you want to enquire about the risks of various treatments, you can email to info@vitae.com.hk or visit any shop of Miricor Enterprises Holdings Limited in-person to inquire with our staff.


